Camping is an outdoor experience; therefore, we do not give refunds due to discomforts of nature.
North Wilkesboro Speedway strives to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone; please be courteous of those around you. Campsites that are deemed to be disruptive may be subject to ejection.
Noise Level/Quiet Time All internal and external sound systems must be maintained at a reasonable level and facing inward toward your camping spot. Quiet Time will be enforced from 1:00 AM - 7:00 AM in designated areas. Speakers must be turned off during Quiet Time. Noise levels determined to be a nuisance may result in expulsion from the campgrounds at the discretion of North Wilkesboro Speedway.
Camping is permitted in designated campground spaces only. No overnight camping is permitted in open parking areas.
Photo ID must accompany camping credential and be presented when requested by North Wilkesboro Speedway officials/employees.
Camping Pass and Car Passes must be visible at all times affixed to windshield (during events) at all times. All vehicles must be approved at the cabin during Check-In.
Personal Golf Carts, low-speed vehicles, motorized bikes, motorized skateboards, etc. are prohibited.
One camping unit and one vehicle per site, unless the site is approved for dual parking by the campground hosts.
Vehicle/RV Maintenance All motorized vehicles and camping units must have a valid state license plate and be in working condition at all times at NWS discretion. Any necessary repairs while on property must be completed in a timely fashion and may not damage the site in any way. All vehicles must be within the confines of the campsite and in the gravel. Vehicles also may not be parked in an adjacent site as this may prevent another camper from checking into that site. A fee may apply to any vehicles caught parked in another site. No Commercial Vehicles/Equipment of any kind are to be parked anywhere on NWS property.
Damages You will be held responsible for any damages to your campsite during your stay. This includes but is not limited to fences, pedestals, gravel, roadways, road signs, and picnic tables.
Towing All campers must be able to tow their camping unit at any time.
Trash Trash must be placed in a receptacle or trash bag. Place your trash at the end of the campsite, there will be one round of trash pick-up at each campground each day. A cleaning fee may apply for excessive trash left in and around your site at NWS discretion including cigarette butts, pet waste, etc. Campsites must maintain a tidy appearance and avoid any cluttered or messy appearance at NWS discretion.
Fires are only allowed if contained in an approved above ground container. Embers may not be left on site upon departure. A cleaning fee may apply for excessive trash left on your site.
"UAS" aka drones, are prohibited on North Wilkesboro Speedway Property.
Respect other campers’ privacy; do not walk through other campsites.
Firearms, dangerous weapons, or fireworks are strictly prohibited as specified by local authorities. Failure to comply will result in expulsion from the campground without refund and possible prosecution.
Any unauthorized items can be confiscated and held by Security until the customer's departure.
Flags, signage or displays using profanity, vulgarity or sexually explicit imagery are also strictly prohibited. ITEMS MAY BE REMOVED IF DEEMED INAPPROPRIATE, OFFENSIVE OR UNSAFE AT THE DISCRETION OF MANAGEMENT OR ON-SITE SECURITY. Displays of the confederate flag are strictly prohibited
Drink responsibly.
Please remember to be careful! You are responsible for your own safety. Look out for natural hazards and dangers especially when you are in wooded areas. Swimming is not permitted in any of the ponds, streams, or rivers located on or near Speedway property.